The 27 months of PYLE are ending so it is time to publish the long expected Intellectual Outputs. They all come in four languages –…
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This is an article that was written by Donna M. Romyn and published in 2000 Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. It argues how emancipatory learning…
Comments closedV monografiji Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju je objavljen prispevek dr. Marte Gregorčič z naslovom Kritični odprti kurikul: pedagoške smernice za transformacijsko učenje. V njem…
Comments closedIf you want to know how to turn social problems into opportunities and establish a viable social enterprise to initiate change, we present you three-course “Social…
Comments closedAre you interested in social innovation or social entrepreneurship? Are you a fan of lifelong learning? Do you have 2-3 hours per week to learn more?…
Comments closedPredstavljamo vam prispevek dr. Sabine Jelenc Krašovec s Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani. V njem preberite, kako so se razvijali koncept vseživljenjskosti učenja ter kakšna in katera…
Comments closedV projektu Usposabljanje izobraževalcev odraslih, ki je potekal med letoma 2002 in 2004 v okviru programa Socrates Grundtvig action, je nastal priročnik Odrasli v učnem procesu. V…
Comments closedErasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a European programme that enables mobility of new impact entrepreneurs and to connect them with equivalent, but more experiences, enterprises…
Comments closedNowadays, people are getting more aware that business ecosystem is changing and that each of us is part of it. Also, due to the economic…
Comments closedUdruga PaRiter traži mlade od 18 do 30 godina koji/e žele razbiti tabue o seksualnosti i dobiti znanstveno utemeljene informacije te informirati svoje vršnjake o…
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