As you may already know, volunteering is much more than contributing to a better world. Yes, volunteers do change the communities and daily living of people with fewer opportunities, but they also change themselves.
Volunteering can give you a sense of purpose, plenty of insights about yourself, strengthen or change your vision and direction in life, open you for new experiences, enable you to meet people in all theii beautiful diversities, sparkle some new ideas, build your (new) skills, enable you to travel… Especially when you volunteer long-term in an organisation that matches your interests.
European Voluntary Service (EVS) has been internationally matching young volunteers (17 to 30) with non-profit organisations for 20 years. From 1996, more than 100.000 youth participated in EVS, thus contributing to specific projects/ organisations of their interest and developing their own competencies, valuable both for their (future) professional aims and for day-to-day living. For those of you who like numbers (or infographics), here is a factsheet.
And if you prefer stories… maybe this video will do.
Important notes:
- You don’t have to be an EU resident to participate in the programme, and the volunteering can also take place in a non-EU country! Check out the projects currently looking for volunteers here!
- If it ocurred to you that you need to have money to be able to live and volunteer abroad – the programme covers your expenses so you can volunteer free of that care 😉 Find more info on EVS and how to apply here.
- The organisations that send and host volunteers through EVS are accredited, meaning, among other things, they should know how to work with young volunteers. However, this does not release you of your responsibilities to choose the organisation you’ll volunteer with wisely, and to be an active participant in your own international volunteering experience and personal development. That way you’ll benefit greatly and probably even have more fun 🙂