VCI was founded as a non-profit organization according to the Law on Associations of the Republic of Croatia. The founders are associations Green Istria, Metamedij, Zum and Suncokret Pula, as well as individuals Elvis Fekete, Nevija Srdoc and Danijela Ustic, which all together make up the General Assembly of the Volunteer Center Istria. Management Committee members were also elected – Suzana Fraberger, Svetlana Stojanovic and Danijela Ustic, who was unanimously elected as the President of the Volunteer Center Istria.
“We recognized the need of the community and the importance of volunteer work in improving the quality of life. We are working hard on the promotion of volunteers and volunteer work because we believe that volunteering builds the individual, alongside giving strenght to the society as a whole. Therefore, we want invite you to join the activities of Volunteer Center Istria and in that way promote the values that each volunteer advocates: kindness, humanity, giving, selflessness, community service, honesty and unity.” – The founders of the Volunteer Center Istria
Projekt Poriv – Podrška razvoju infrastrukture volonterstva provodi se u partnerstvu Udruge za razvoj civilnog društva SMART – Volonterskog centra Rijeka, Volonterskog centra Istra, CARPE DIEM – udruge za poticanje i razvoj kreativnih i socijalnih potencijala djece, mladih i odraslih, Doma za odgoj djece i mladeži Rijeka i Hrvatske mreže volonterskih centara, a traje od lipnja 2017. do svibnja 2019. godine.
Usmjeren je ka rješavanju problema nedostatne razvijenosti kapaciteta ključnih dionika u razvoju i promociji volonterstva – organizatora volontiranja i volonterskih centara. Svrha projekta je osigurati visoku razinu kvalitete volonterskih programa, adekvatnu podršku organizatorima volontiranja i veću vidljivost volonterstva na regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini te posljedično veću uključenost građana u volontiranje.