Add+venture is a “learning by doing” online web tool enabling youth and all aspiring entrepreneurs to establish their ideas whether those are profit or nonprofit, a whole new business or project initiative! Add+venture platform will offer space, tools and various pathways to successfully shaping your idea using CANVAS methodology.
Venturing into the challenging world of creative process these were and remain our guiding principles:
- “Adventure – anyone?” attitude
- Personal agency and authorship in all things youth-related
- “A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order.”Jean Luc Godard
So, that is why Add+venture boasts these impressive features:
- You can complete your Add+venture journey all by yourself – no need to consult or wait for anyone else! You can start realizing your idea today!
- If your learning habits do not fit linear mindset well – you are welcome, too! Add+venture’s logic is to guide you where you haven’t been before rather than making you lose time and patience in business or project management area which you already know. However, you can always visit those and make sure you’re an A student there, too!
- Add+venture boasts incredible range when it comes to who our users can be – from one-off initiative to a whole new business or testing your idea’s CANVAS credibility, you’re welcome here!