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PYLE activities are going on in the summer :)

In the warm summer in Skopje, the working team is working on the project activities from the PYLE project. The PDCAE program for mentors was successfully implemented and the participants had the final meeting at the end of April. In the beginning of April, the working team had a meeting with the partners in the beautiful Ljubljana where the next project activities were discussed and agreed. In the summer in Skopje, the working team is working on finalizing the evaluation for the PDCAE program for mentors.

The evaluation of the PDCAE program was consisted of:

-1 focus group with the participants of the program;

-evaluation meeting of the participants and the trainers;

-anonymous evaluation form was filled by the participants;

-evaluation meeting and recommendation given by the trainers;

-research about the current situation in Macedonia for employment in general.

After the evaluation of the PDCAE program is done, the preparation of the National Recommendation document is taking place.

The working team has constant meeting for the implementation of the project activities and already started planning the following activities in September which are the last Transnational meeting in Skopje and the Multiplier event.

Stay tuned for the next activities.


Published in PYLE NEWS