In the posts of PYLE project we hear about training for mentors of the PDCAE program. Surely if you scrolled back on the page you would eventually grasp what it is about, yet it is in place to give a slight historical background of the whole thing right here, right now.
The PDCAE program has been developed in 2016 in cooperation between organizations in the Post-YU area (Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia) to support young people in early adulthood at developing competencies, creating tangible social networks and implementing their project ideas (products, services, community development initiatives …). Originally, the primary target group of the program is unemployed young people and NEETs who get mentor support in creating autonomous (self)employments through process of emancipatory and transformative learning. In the course of the program they develop transversal, soft skills, social and entrepreneurial skills. One of the core topics of the program is as well fostering solidarity models in economy and the values of cooperatives (as autonomous associations of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise).
For achieving the program goals good mentor support in the program is essential, thus the training for the educational staff is as well essential. Thus, PYLE, a new strategic partnership was born between organizations from Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia. We are currently in the course of concluding the Training for Mentors of the PDCAE Program in the three countries.