From 26th till 29th of March 2019, in Pula, Training for trainers for the Legislative Theatre was held for a group of youth workers. The organiser of the training was The Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development (Zaklada za poticanje partnerstva i razvoja civilnog društva), together with the City of Pula and Istrian National Theatre Pula.
The training was aimed for people who work with youngsters and youth in general, such as teachers, professors, trainers, mentors, etc., and it lasted 4 days. It was held in Istrian National Theatre Pula and facilitated by drama-based pedagogue Aleksandar Bančić.
One of the participants was also Danijela Ustić from Volunteer Centre Istria, who, together with others, has learned about different topics related to youth challenges and possibilities of influencing local youth policies. Participants also had a chance to try legislative theatre methods in practice, by participating in the performance #tonijeljubav (hashtag “That is not loving”). The topic of the performance were problems and challenges in youth romantic relationships.
Related to that, the follow-up activity for all participants is to prepare and carry out their own performance of legislative theatre about problems and/or needs of youth in their local community. We are looking forward to carrying out the follow-up activity and to think about the problems and challenges of local youth, which would, hopefully, help them in finding their way to (self)employment.
Training for trainers for the legislative theatre was held as a part of project “SOS” (socijaliziraj – osvijesti – samozaposli / socialization – consciousness – self-employment), implemented by the City of Pula, The Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development, Community Foundation Slagalica and Association of Youth and Alumni FET Pula, and it is financed by European Social Fund.